Frequently Asked Questions

Can't find what you are looking for? Please contact retreat(at)
How do I register for the Retreat?
Members of the Young DZHK can register from 13/5/22 - 05/06/22. In order to register you need to submit an abstract. A successful registration for the Young DZHK includes the attendance at the main retreat.
DZHK PI, DZHK Scientists and DZHK staff can register from 31/5/22 - 24/07/22.
How and when do I find out if my registration was successful?
Young DZHK Retreat: You will be notified via e-mail in the beginning of July.
Main DZHK Retreat: You will receive an automatic confirmation e-mail in the beginning of August.
Who decides on my attendance?
Young DZHK Retreat: The Young DZHK PostDoc Committee will assess the submitted abstracts and decide on who will get one of the available spots.
Main DZHK Retreat: If there are more registered people than are spots available your partner site speakers and management will decide on who gets to go.
I am an invited speaker, do I have to register as well?
Yes. Everyone needs to register in order for us to book the hotel room according to your intended days of attendance.
I have registered for the Young DZHK Retreat. If I want to attend the main retreat, do I have to register again?
No. If your registration for the Young DZHK Retreat was successful you are automatically registered for the main retreat.
My abstract for the Young DZHK Retreat was rejected. Can I attend anyway?
Unfortunately we only have a limited number of spots available. If your abstract was not accepted you cannot attend the retreat.
I can't attend the whole retreat, can I still register?
Yes. When registering you can indicate on what day(s) you will attend.
When should I arrive at the hotel?
Young DZHK Retreat: The meeting starts on Wednesday at 12:30 pm. Please be there at 11:30 am to sign in.
Main DZHK Retreat: The meeting starts on Thursday at 2 pm. Welcome coffee at 1:30 pm. Please be there at 1:30 pm to sign in.
What is the closest train station to the hotel?
- Potsdam Central Station
- Potsdam Pirschheide Station
- Potsdam water taxi from Potsdam Central Station directly to the hotel
Since all train stations are quite far from the hotel and we do not cover expenses for taxi rides, we recommend timing your arrival at Potsdam Central Station with the provided bus transfers.
Is transportation to/from the hotel provided?
We will arrange several bus transfers from Potsdam Hauptbahnhof (Central Station) to the hotel as well as from Berlin-Brandenburg airport (BER).
I will travel by car. Is parking provided?
Parking in the hotel’s parking garage is available for an extra fee. Please note that the DZHK will only reimburse parking expenses for up to €5 a day.
Will the DZHK reimburse me for my travel expenses?
Yes. Please make your own travel arrangements in compliance with the DZHK Travel Expenses Policy. Keep all original receipts and tickets as they are needed for claiming your expenses.
When do I claim my travel expenses?
Please send original receipts and tickets together with the reimbursement form within 4 weeks after the retreat to the DZHK head office. We cannot reimburse you for your expenses before the meeting.
Travel expense claims should be addressed to:
DZHK e. V.
Attention: Mareike Leistner
Potsdamer Str. 58
10785 Berlin
Do I have to book my own accommodation?
No. We will make the hotel reservations for all participants according to the dates of attendance indicated in the online registration.
What time is room check-in?
Official check-in time is 3 pm.
Do I have a single or a double room?
Young DZHK Retreat: You will share a double room. When registering for the retreat you can name who you would like to share the room with.
Main DZHK Retreat (DZHK PI, DZHK Scientists and DZHK staff): Unless otherwise requested in your registration you will get a single room.
Do I have to pay for my hotel room when checking out?
No. The DZHK head office will be billed for the retreat including all hotel rooms. You will be charged for extra expenses such as mini bar, parking garage, alcoholic beverages.
Talk and poster formalities
What is the meeting language?
The meeting language is English. Please prepare your presentation in English.
Do I have to use a template for my poster (Young DZHK)?
We do have a DZHK poster template available which can be downloaded here.
How should I submit my presentation?
Please hand in your presentation on a portable USB device to the hotel technician or the session chair prior to the start of the session.
Abstract submission (only for Young DZHK members)
How do I submit my abstract?
Deadline for abstract submission is June 5th. You have to submit your abstract online when registering for the retreat. Abstract guidelines can be found here.
How and when will I be notified that my abstract has been accepted or declined?
You will be notified via e-mail in the beginning of July.
What are the abstract guidelines?
Please follow this link to find the abstract guidelines.
How are the abstracts chosen?
Abstracts are evaluated according to the categories Basic Science and Clinical/Epidemiological Highlights + Methods by at least 2 reviewers (members of the Young DZHK PostDoc Committee).
Results of the evaluation will then be presented to the PostDoc Committee and discussed once more. In the case the two reviewers differ on their opinion about an abstract, further reviewers will be consulted. Reviewers come from all DZHK partner sites. Besides the topmost priority in the selection process – scientific quality of the abstracts – the committee will make sure that every partner site will be represented at the Young DZHK Retreat.
Will there be a printed abstract book?
Yes. We will be handing out abstract books on site.
My abstract was rejected can I attend the retreat anyway?
Unfortunately we only have a limited number of spots available. If your abstract was not accepted you cannot attend the retreat.